Connecting your G-Suite to your CRM can help you sync your email correspondence with your leads and contacts to their records in the CRM. It can also allow you to sync your calendar and tasks back and forth so any appointments or tasks you have in either system will show in in both your calendar and in your CRM instance.
To get started you'll need to connect two Google Apps to your G-Suite account. Go to the G-Suite Marketplace and search for Apptivo to find the necessary apps. You can also activate the Apptivo for Gmail app if you'd like to have a widget in your email account that you can pull your contacts from the CRM into if you'd like. You will want to make sure that you set these up to connect for your entire domain, not just individual so that anyone else that is on your team can then connect their Gmail and calendar.
Once the applications are connected, log into your CRM account and go to settings, preferences, and then click "Email" and then "G-Suite." Click "Add."
Now your Email is connected and your domain is connected into the system allowing you to next connect your calendar.
To connect your calendar, go to Business Settings now and check to make sure your domain is connected and showing as active:
If your domain is showing as active, then click the "G-Suite Integration." Move both switches to the on position.
Now, any team member going forward connecting their G-Suite account in the Preferences section will automatically sync their calendar and tasks as well.
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