Quick Facts
- This profile doesn't support direct posting to Instagram.
- This profile does not enable reporting data to be returned for Instagram. Please set up an Instagram Business profile for the related Instagram account to select it in reports.
- The Instagram Business API does not support filters, multi-image, or Instagram Story posts. You'll need to use an Instagram Reminder profile to schedule filters, multi-image, or Instagram Story posts.
- Go to Profiles > Add Profiles > Instagram to add an Instagram Reminder profile.
- At the time of the scheduled post, you can either receive a push notification or an email notification to receive a reminder to push the post to Instagram.
Step-By-Step Guide
Once you've finished reading this article, you will know how to add an Instagram Reminder, which allows you to add non-Instagram Business accounts as profiles.
Head over to Profiles > Add Profiles > Instagram to begin adding your Instagram Business profiles.
Setting up an Instagram Reminder profile:
- Clicking on Set up Instagram reminder to set up and receive push notifications when it's time to post Carousels, Stories or non-Instagram Business Accounts.
- The next series of screens, the dashboard will walk you through what you need to set up Instagram reminder:
- You will be prompted to add an Instagram reminder name that will be for internal purposes. As default, for push notifications, it will be sent to yourself. If you do not want to use the mobile app to receive push notifications, you have the option for the push notification to be sent to you through emails.
Note: If you decide to use the app, send a ticket to request the username/password you will need to login to your mobile app.
You're now ready to begin posting:
- At the scheduled the time, you will receive your Push Notification via our Sendible Engage app.Note: Once you click the notification Engage app will forward the image to Instagram for posting.
- If you have selected an email also, the recipient(s) you specified in Step 3 will receive an email notifying them that the attached image or video needs to be uploaded to Instagram.
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