Discounts, coupons, promo campaigns, and sale prices help you attract more customers to the store, boost sales, or get rid of especially slow-moving items. In this tutorial, you will learn how to set special pricing in your Online Store.
Sale prices
With the help of the Sale price (or Compare to price) feature, you can show that the current product price is discounted compared to the earlier price. This feature is especially useful if you want to offer discounted prices for several individual items.
Once you add a Compare to price for an item, Online Store will automatically calculate the discount amount and display the discount label next to the product price.
Discount prices
The Online Store allows setting percent (X% off) or absolute value ($X off) discounts that depend on order subtotal, the group to which a customer belongs, or a combination of the two (a subtotal amount and a customer group).
Discounts based on order subtotal can stimulate customers to spend more. Discounts based on customer groups can be used as a reward program for your loyal customers.
To add a discount, go to your Online Store > Marketing > Discounts.
On the discounts management page, click Add Discount.
Specify the amount which qualifies for the discount in the Order Subtotal field and enter the amount of the discount you are offering in the Discount field.
Once done, click the Save button or press Ctrl-S to save changes.
Tip: If you have revised your sale priorities, you can delete the discount by pressing the "trash can" button.
Once the discount is set up, it will be automatically calculated in the Shopping Cart during the checkout.
Adding discounts to customer groups
Before adding discounts for customer groups, you need to set up the groups in your My Sales > Customer Groups page and add customer profiles to them in your My Sales > Customers page.
Bulk discount pricing
If you want to stimulate customers to buy more items in one order or dispose of some slow-moving inventory, you can introduce discounts based on the number of items purchased.
Once this discount is set up, the Online Store will show automatic notices for customers, suggesting adding more items to the cart to get a discount.
Discount coupons
A discount coupon code is a code that a customer can use to get a discount when making a purchase. Discount coupons can be used for free shipping offers, percent, and absolute discounts. You can limit them to certain products, categories, and a number of uses. Here's how you can set up a discount coupon.
Let your customers know about special offers
The effectiveness of your promotions depends heavily on customer awareness. The more people know about any special offers running in your store, the more sales you can expect.
You can promote your hot deals inside your online store, on your website, in your blog, your social page, or send out newsletters. Use as many channels as you can to spread the word about your discounts and promotions among your potential customers.
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