When your customer places an order, all details are recorded in Control Panel > My Sales > Orders. This article explains how to manage orders in your store.
Understanding order statuses
Every order has one status for payment and another for fulfillment. The payment status shows the state of the order’s payment while the fulfillment status shows the stage of processing.
Payment statuses
Paid: this means your customer selected an online payment option and the third-party provider processed the payment. Prepare this order for shipping and ship it right away.
Awaiting Payment: this can mean one of the following:
- Your customer has selected an offline payment method and you need to contact them to arrange payment
- Your customer’s online payment was not processed. In this case, you can contact the third-party payment provider who processed the transaction.
Cancelled: this indicates the payment gateway could not authorize or charge the customer's credit card or you have canceled the order.
Refunded or Partially Refunded: this indicates the payment (or a portion of the payment) has been credited (refunded) to the buyer.
Fulfillment statuses
Awaiting Processing is the default fulfillment status for all new orders, indicating you have not yet started working on this order.
Processing indicates the order is in the process but is not yet fulfilled.
Ready for Pickup indicates the order is ready for your customer to physically pick up the product from your store.
Shipped indicates the order has been shipped.
Delivered indicates the shipping provider has delivered your customer’s order.
Will not deliver is reserved for orders you will not ship. You can use this for orders that have Cancelled or Refunded payment statuses.
Returned indicates the orders your customers have returned.
Creating orders
You can accept orders via phone or email to sell both online and offline. Record these orders in and keep track of them. Creating orders can be helpful for your store’s accounting records.
Printing orders
You can print orders individually or as a batch. To do this, click Print Invoice next to an individual order:
You can also print a batch of orders by checking the orders in the list and clicking Mass Update > Print Selected.
Exporting orders
To create a sales report, analyzing your orders, or just send the list to your employees, you can export order information to a spreadsheet. It just takes a few steps.
- Go to My Sales > Orders.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and find the Export Orders block.
- If you want to export all of your orders, click Export All.
- To be selective, tick the ones you need and click Export Selected.
- You will see a popup with the export settings.
- Select the delimiter.
- Select the columns you want to export. By default, all the columns are selected.
- Click Download CSV file.
- Open the downloaded file with a spreadsheet editor for further use.
Changing order numbering
By default, your order IDs are numbers starting from one. You can change the Order IDs in your store by adding some letters or by starting from a higher number. This is helpful when you are just starting with your store and don't want to show a short order history.
To change the order IDs in your store:
- Go to Settings > General > Cart & Checkout
- Scroll down to Order ID.
- Click Change
- Enter a number that you wish to show as your next order’s ID.
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