It is important for search engine optimization (SEO) that the title tag of each page describes what that page is about and that the meta description encourages visitors to click on your page. The title and meta description will show up in search results like this:

Here's how you can create a page title, description, and add keywords.
1. Navigate to the Pages menu.
2. From the list of your website pages, choose the one you plan to edit and click on the Gear icon to open Page Settings.
4. When you click on the Gear icon, a new window opens up. Here you can edit the Page description and Page title the way it will be seen in search results. Use the SEO preview field to check out how your page will look like in search engine results.
Editing page title
The page title is displayed in search engine results and is important for SEO and social marketing. The title of your website page has to provide an accurate and concise description of a page's content. A good page title can be a deciding factor in determining whether or not someone clicks on your link. Your page title is also visible in the browser tabs and when someone shares your page on social media. The best practice is to keep your titles under 60 characters long.
Important: Avoid default titles, like "Home" or "New Page".
Tip: Your site will rank higher if you have a keyword-optimized title tag.
Editing page description
When writing meta descriptions, try to keep it around 150 characters because Google usually truncates snippets that are longer than 160 characters. Include your most important keywords and key phrases but keep it sounding natural, without keyword stuffing. When writing, answer these questions: What does your page offer? Why should someone visit it? What will they get from it?
Tip: Keep in mind that Google might not always show your meta description. Sometimes it shows snippets from your content instead.
Editing meta keywords
Meta keywords are important for search engines to understand what your page is about. Compiling meta keywords to use on your website is easier with keyword tools. When you enter a topic relevant to your website, you get hundreds of relevant search terms you can use as meta keywords.
Note: Meta keywords are no longer an important part of the Google ranking algorithm but it's good to have them because your competitors are likely to use them.
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